Friday, June 10, 2011

Hip Hooray For Friday


Good morning Friday! There was a gentle and quick rainfall, some rolling thunder, but I can see patches of blue, and bits of sunshine peaking through. It is nice not to have to work on Fridays this summer. I had a light sleep last night, in and out of strange dreams, and I could feel part of me anticipating today, the weekend, and what I want to accomplish. First off is yoga, some shopping errands, and then the mundane chores around the house, which I plan on trying to make somewhat enjoyable. Music is the only thing that can help with that. I'm also waiting on my friends Eve, and Jenny to let me know if they will be making a road trip to visit me next week. I'm really hoping that they can come. I have actually had dreams where we have all been together, so if and when it happens, it is going to be amazing! This will not be the first time that I have met on-line friends. I have met two others, and we keep in touch all of the time, and I consider them two of my closest friends.
I really need this weekend to re-energize myself after a tough week at work. I'm determined to make a difference with the child that I'm working with, and I think that is why I don't request a change of placement. He is one of the most challenging kids that I have worked with, but I'm not ready to give up. Well, I'm off to start my day. I'm wishing everyone a wonderful weekend:)


I just talked to Jenny, and Eve, and my beautiful friend Jessieh, who are all coming to stay with me on Monday. I cannot believe we will all four be together! I haven't looked forward to something like this in a long time, and it makes me beyond happy.


Sairs said...

I'm glad you are happy that you have friends coming, it's always nice to catch up with people that don't live close by. It sounds like you are doing an awesome job too with this child that has been very difficult. I don't think I could have perservered. Good for you!

Eve said...

Angie! We are so happy! We are looking forward to seeing you and I just read your post out loud to Jenny, Christopher, and Jessieh! Jessieh squeeled!
We are so excited!

Wanda's Wings said...

Enjoy your friendship.

Renee said...

I too am a survivor of sexual abuse.I've spent the past few days reading your poetry, and I must admit it is very touching. Be blessed and keep writing.