Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm not doing so well with my eating right now. I feel like I just want to change my body. I think it has something to do with somehow being new and different. I'm still loving yoga. I go five or six times a week, and I can see a difference in my body. The thing is that I always want more. I can wear clothes in my closet that I haven't worn in three years, and I probably get too excited about it. I wish starving wasn't such an addiction for me. I definitely get a high from it. mom is here. We have already hit Target, which is a dangerous place for me:) I have some outings and plans for us. Saturday we are going to a workshop/meditation at my yoga studio to meet our
spirit guides. My husband is going too. He had an experience with seeing his spirit guide when he was in the hospital after his brain tumor surgery. I think it will be really interesting and fun. I'm open minded. I'm excited about my step dad coming to visit. He is so awesome! He bought me a new computer as a gift. My parents are so generous to me and our family. The computer is purple too. Yay, my favorite color:)
Besides struggling with the eating disorder, I feel really good. I love that we are helping people on the
Cycle Of Healing. All that I've ever wanted from what I have endured is to make a difference, and help people.


Wanda's Wings said...

You are such an inspiration to me. I have really enjoy see you speak out and become stronger. In your corner!

Anonymous said...

"I wish starving wasn't such an addiction for me. I definitely get a high from it." My heart breaks for you and my soul prays for you.

I Hate to Weight said...

be well. take care of yourself.

how well do i know the temptation of little clothes.

perhaps as you are looking at and dealing with all your trauma, your body is going back to the way it's used to coping.

nurture yourself. i believe in you with all my heart.