Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Girl

This is my favorite girl. Her name is Phoebe, and she is ten years old. She has a cute mole on her nose. I call it her Cindy Crawford mole:) She is mostly a beagle, with some dachshund and basset hound mixed in. She howls like a hound, especially when she smells a skunk. She is endlessly hungry, and dances around in circles until she gets fed each morning. I love her, as you can tell, so I wanted to share her:)


Nicole said...

Awww, this is such a sweet photo! You look BEAUTIFUL :)


Eve said...

Love this! Pheobes!!!!

Sia Jane said...

Nawww I think dogs are definitely wonderful little creatures to have around us {{{hugs}}}

mom said...

Love my granddog and you! Mom

gkjh lkjnlkjn said...

Phoebe! haha, Great name. All of a sudden I am having sudden flashback of a song called "Smelly Cat". I wonder why that is. LOL

If you don't know what I mean it's okay. I will explain.

Angela said...

Oh, yes! I know the "Smelly Cat" song. You just made me smile:)

Anonymous said...

Those eyes again!! Calling me like a lighthouse to a ship!
