Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I have all of these words and feelings that bubble and rise to the surface. I feel like a volcanoe on the verge of erupting, and yet I don't even know what that means, or what it would look like. I've always had trouble naming the feelings, although I feel them all so intensly. It is major work to keep them bottled inside, and yet that is what I've always done. I try to ignore them and push them away. Everyday I go through a myriad of emotions that pass through me like electric currents without an outlet, and today I feel worn out by them. My sleep is frenzied, as if I'm running with no place to go, a longing to find what is missing. Today I read a blog post by a young girl who was brutally raped and my heart aches for her. I want to reach out, but what words of comfort can I give? The rapist was caught and pleaded guilty. She made the choice to face him in court, and I realize that I have so much unleashed anger, with no one to direct it at, although I don't know that I would be brave enough to do what she is doing.
My mind is skipping, and I want to tell you how grey this week has been. I'm both frustrated and challenged at work as I try to figure out four kids with autism that I'm just getting to know, and trying to train paras who have never worked with children with autism. There are moments of inadequecy and triumph depending on what strategies work or don't work. Any progress made will most likely regress with winter break, and when they come back we will have to begin again. I need this break, a pajama day, and a cookie baking day with Christmas music blaring. Two more days, and it will be mine! I know this post sounds a bit down, and really I'm not, but I needed so much to write these words. I suppose I should talk to actual people more! You know on the outside I'm always doing "fine." Most of the time I'm better than fine, and that feels fabulous! I'm ending this on a positive note, but of course, as always I will return with more words.


T.J. said...

I understand what you are saying and yes the youg girl,I have no words either. I do miss the baking and Christmas music. With your words of encouragement I think I will make it and you will too. I have never meant someone as strong and wonderful as you. I thank you for this blog:)

Paul Sunstone said...

It is tragic what happened to the girl. Perhaps she has found some healing in blogging about it?

I am also curious. During times like you are going through now, do you feel creative?

Angela said...

Paul, to answer your question, I do feel creative at the moment, and often even when I'm really down, I can write. I think it is what saves me from being totally locked inside of myself.

Eve said...

This is a beautifully written post. I love the Tolkien quote too:) I hope that you get your fun days and are able to move into the color from the gray. I love you so much!

Wanda's Wings said...

Writing is so healing. Wishing you peace.

Ruth said...

I love the Tolkien quote too, I used to have a T shirt with that on it. I wore it until it literally fell apart at the seams!