Art by Margareta Jungerth Boo
I don't know if I talked here much about body memories, but I have them, and they are even difficult for me to understand. Researchers have noted that a trauma is stored in somatic memory and expressed as changes in the biological stress response. This means that sexual abuse is a traumatic experience and that the memory of it can be stored in your physical body. I experience body memories with pelvic pain, and painful jaws from oral intercourse. I will often awaken from a nightmare physically feeling as if the abuse has just occured. This comes out everyday with jaw clenching, chewing the insides of my mouth, and uncontrolled tightening of my pelvic muscles, as if I'm waiting for the assault. It took me a long time to talk about this. I felt as if I was crazy, but when I brought it up to my trauma therapist, he was so understanding, and he explained that the pain is real. This has been one of the most difficult parts of my recovery. On top of the flashbacks, I could actually feel the rape of my body as if it was happening all over again. Body memories are an important piece of the healing work. The body can say a lot about the incidents of abuse, and it really is impossible to re-create a body memory when there was no memory in the first place. Because of that, body memories are often helpful in breaking through the denial layers of dissociation. The body may remember moments of the abuse that were too emotionally difficult for the survivors to manage, but by truly listening to their bodies, survivors can learn a great deal about their histories. As I move through this process, acknowledging the truth of what happened to me, I can learn to comfort myself without blame or shame.
I wish you could get to a more peaceful place with everything. It's sad to see you continue to struggle so much after all of this time. So much time. There must be good memories as well and if you were to tap into those, I wonder what positive things would happen for you. There is happiness out there for you. You are not bound to your past. None of us are. Your blog is so focused on looking behind you, I wonder what wonderful things would happen for you, if you simply allowed yourself to look ahead. Being bound to the past, keeps us in the past. You already know all of the answers to what happened to you, and why you reacted the way you did, and why your life became what is has become. This blog is evidence of that. You've done the work and you've put in the time. So isn't it time to move forward and start choosing a life that you want to live rather than a living a life that you didn't choose?
I am finding peace and happiness, but yes, I still struggle. I also write this blog to educate others who may be going through some of the same issues. It took me a long time to talk about this subject because it made me feel like I was crazy. There is not a time limit on healing, and it is not always linear. I spent 25 yrs not dealing with the trauma, so if it takes me 5 or more years to work through it, then that is just what it takes. I'm not going to apologize or feel bad about it.
No need to apologize or feel bad about it. People just wish you peace and happiness. No need to feel defensive. People who care about you hate to see the constant struggling. You have to give people as much credit as they are giving you. It's OK for those who are close to you, to share their feelings as much as you are sharing yours. That's fair don't think?
I love that people care, and want to share their feelings. I get frustrated with how long this process is taking also, so when I sense that people think I need to get over it and move on, I do get defensive because I am trying.
Hi Angela,
Thank you very much for your words on body memories. I have them too and your words made me cry. I think I'll find the courage to speak about it with my therapist: I know she'll be understanding and kind. And is happening all the time, my body feels the rapes, the hurt, the pain.....thank you. For speaking out the things I did n't dare to say!
I'm so glad to hear that you feel you can possibly bring this up with your therapist. I wish you healing, love, and light!
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