Friday, August 3, 2012

Where Do You Want To Be?

Today in yoga, one of the affirmations that the instructor had us repeat was, "Claim your own sexuality." I took a shaky breath after saying this, and was struck by how powerful those words were, and what they mean to my healing. What was stolen from me was out of my control, but now being able to own my sexuality and taking back the power to do whatever I want with my body , and also being able to say no or stop, or slow down is...I don't even know if I have words to describe the feeling. In class I often tell myself in my head to honor my body, to accept, and to try not to push it to do things that it is not ready for. Right now I'm struggling with standing balancing poses, and often get frustrated with the negative thoughts that run through my mind. Why is the balance difficult, and how am I standing in my own way? Part of it is judging myself, and worrying that other people will not think that I'm good enough. I say to myself, "This is easy, why can't I do it?" I want to envision myself balancing with ease, telling myself that I'm rooted to this earth, that I'm worthy of being here. This is my next goal. What are your goals, and the affirmations that you can tell yourself? "We are right where we need to be" was the last thing I remember hearing before I sank into my resting pose.


I Am A Broken Child said...

That is so true. I'm am working with my counselor right now on being mindful, of my own self judgment... It is Really hard for me to accept, and acknowledged, that now, I have the power to say, stop, or no, or not now, or slow down... But it is so good to be able to do that... instead of being this innocent little child that I was all those years ago, and being trapped, and having to say yes, because if I didn't I'd get hurt... Now I CAN say NO, I HAVE THE POWER! and I think reading this post helped me realize, that I HAVE POWER, I HAVE THE POWER TO SAY NO, now, I CAN SAY NO... a simple word... I have been afraid to get a boyfriend, because I always worried, I wouldn't be able to say NO when the time came... Thank you!!!

Angela said...

This comment makes my day! Thank you:)

Haley said...

Yoga is all about being at peace with yourself. You are doing the best you can, and you should be happy with that!
I agree that sexuality is something that's kinda stripped from us when we get deep in ED. I am glad you are becoming comfortable with yourself again. I've missed you.

Haley said...

Yoga is all about being at peace with yourself. You are doing the best you can, and you should be happy with that!
I agree that sexuality is something that's kinda stripped from us when we get deep in ED. I am glad you are becoming comfortable with yourself again. I've missed you.

Missy said...

Stay with this moment, this space. Don't let it slip away. It's healing. Grab it, fasten it in your heart.