Outside my window
the white sky is marbled
with veins of charcoal
A winter sky in April
From far away
whispered thoughts
drift over the stillness of my body
Startled by the sound of my name being called
I listen intently
holding my breath
until I finally realize it is my own voice calling
Clamping my mouth tightly closed
I breathe purposefully through my nose
in 2,3,4
out 2,3,4,5
until the urge to scream disappears
Droplets of rain occasionally tap the window
as the lyrics to a song by The Clash plays in my head
on repeat...
"Should I stay or should I go
Should I stay or should I go now?"
Should I stay or should I go now?"
The rhythm is more upbeat than I feel
I feel
but still the question
without a clear answer
So I wait...
continuing to breathe
in 2,3,4,5
out, 2,3,4,5,6,7
I reach for my phone
find your number
wait for the sound
Of your voice
and eventually
I scream...
Angela Minard 2016©
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