Monday, January 14, 2008

Fun With Photography


Work was good today. Everyone seems to be settling back into the routine, and the kids seem happy to be back after the weekend. One of the students that I'm working with who has autism is taking basic photography this semester. She is fascinated with the camera, and loves taking pictures. She likes to arrange different objects and then photograph them. I wonder what it is that she is thinking about, and what she sees through the lens. I wonder what these snapshots mean to her, and what she wants to do with all of them. I tried to interest her in scrapbooking, thinking that she might enjoy arranging the pictures on a page, but that doesn't seem to be what she wants to do with them. I have a feeling that she is going somewhere with all of her picture taking, I just don't know where. I'm always longing for a deeper understanding. Maybe I like to think that looking at her pictures will give me a better idea of what is going on inside of her. Her secret world of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, and all of the places that she just isn't able to take me. Anyway, the journey's I do get to go on with her are always a good time! Maybe that is why I want more.