Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dates, Dressing Up, And Doodling

Dave and I went out on a date Thursday night, and it was so nice to be out on our own. First we went to the movies and saw Juno, which we both really enjoyed. I want to see it again, it was that good! After the movie we went out to dinner, and just talked and talked. I had really missed that. It is hard to get involved in a deep conversation when you have a house full of kids ready to interrupt at any moment. After dinner, we met a few of Dave's friends at a sport's bar, watched some basketball, and had a few beers. It was a good time, and something that we need to do more often.

I can't believe that my spring break is almost over. I also cannot believe that tomorrow is Easter. We always spend Easter at my brother and sister-in-laws, with all of Dave's family. I'm looking forward to seeing my neices all dressed up in their Easter outfits. My boys, on the other hand, will look like urchins, as they all refuse to dress up, and although we kept meaning to get haircuts over the break, that never did happen. It is something that I don't worry about much anymore. I used to care so much about appearances, and what other people thought, but I'm beginning to let go of some of those concerns. Life is filled with so much more that is important!

I'm feeling very excited and quite passionate about the journal project that I started. I only have one more space left to be filled, so I'm going to start working on mine today so that I can get it mailed off to the next person in line. {For more info, refer to the 1000 Journals post from a few days ago.} My mom and I were talking about it, and as a sexual abuse survivor herself, she was thinking about signing up for the journal, but she said that she didn't think that she would actually be able to tell her story. She feels like she lacks the courage, which I find so strange. To me , she is one of the most courageous women I know. I think that it is less about courage, and more about freedom. The beauty of this project is that a story does not only have to be be told in words. It can be drawn, doodled, collaged, painted...I'm looking forward to seeing the many forms and directions this project takes.

"The greatest things ever done on Earth have been done little by little."~ William Jennings Bryan