Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Supportive Mother

This is a conversation with my eleven year old son on the way home from picking him up from the pool this afternoon.~

Me~" I just received an e-mail from your orchestra teacher saying that if you want to continue playing the cello next year, we will have to buy or rent one.

Roman~ " I don't know if I want to play. It took a lot of my time, and I had a hard time getting all of my work done."

Me~ Cool! So, you don't want to play?"

Roman~ "No."

Me~ "That's great!"

Roman~ "Way supportive, Mom!"

Ha Ha! I'm a great mother:)


Anonymous said...

Oh, that makes me feel better about saying "OK" when my kids say they don't want to do something anymore! Thanks! You know how sometimes you think, "But I need to make them stick with it!" There's a time for that as well; my difficulty is knowing the balance.

Sunny said... sound like me! ;) I love it. hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Heh heh Too funny lol x