Every time Sarah Palin opens her perfectly lipsticked mouth, I want to get a tissue and smear it all over her stupid face. The woman frightens me more and more with each passing day. She has obviously never heard the phrase "walk a mile in someone else's shoes." She opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest, and would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Palin also refuses to say whether or not she believes that homosexuality is an orientation or a choice. “I’m not one to judge,” says Palin. I love that! She is so full of crap that it's not even funny.
The thought of the Day:
Our power is in our ability to decide." - R. Buckminster
This is a new political animal I have never seen. Go girl.
Yes. She has me all fired up. She would like to take away the freedom to choose. Pro-life and pro guns. I love it!
Good to see you back and commenting:)
You are SO RIGHT and I have been commenting about this on every blog that I encounter where the author is writing about Palin.
She TERRIFIES ME. She is so uninformed and inexperienced that if she becomes VP, I will live in fear of John McCain dying each and every day. God forbid that woman ever be in charge of national security, a subject about which she knows NOTHING, as evidenced by her interview with Charles Gibson. She thinks that being able to see Russia from parts of Alaska prepares her to occupy the Oval Office. OMG.
I agree. That interview had me rolling on the floor one minute, and then terrified the next. She wouldn't frighten me near as much if McCain didn't have one foot in the grave;-)
It's a shame that she is this clueless puppet, who is in way over her head. I'm sure she's a good person, just misguided and used, but I can't help wanting to smack some sense into her. And the lies...terrible.
Blows me away that she just had a child with downs syndrome and wants to be VP. She has no idea...
I agree! SCARY! And she wasn't fooling me at all with the "That's my personal opinion," "It's not my place to judge." THAT WAS NOT THE QUESTION! The question was "WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT THESE THINGS?!" To brush her answers of as "just my opinion" as if we don't realize THAT IS WHAT SHE WILL BASE HER DECISIONS ON???????
Oy Vei...tie me up before I lose it...
This is to "Sydney Mom": Pleaaaase, don't give me that double standard about women should stay at home because of their kids. What century are you living in lady. This is not a political comment but it is one of concern if we think women can never go into a high ranking public office.
Sarah Palin is not your problem, we don't even know much about her at this time. If all of you are afraid of her then vote for Obama. Then see what you get.
We can work to change the things that we feel affected by, but do we really want a guy that has the same experience level running the country or a lady with little experience sitting in the "second" chair.
Each of you have a choice in November and God Bless America if we make the wrong decision.
Old Man in Florida
Guess she doesn't believe in birth control either. She will not know how difficult it is to raise a child with special needs because she won't be the one raising it.
to the old man in florida-
Having spent the last 17 years raising a child with a severe disability, I have some idea what she is in for. It has nothing to do with whether or not a woman should stay at home or work. Perhaps you haven't walked in my shoes?
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