Friday, April 23, 2010

The Missing Piece


The Missing Piece

I've felt you in whispers
I've held you in dreams,
and what if you were
the missing piece
to the puzzle of my life?
The final piece to a search
that would start
with our first kiss.

Angela Minard 2010©


Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at what you write and how you can create something so beautiful out of a couple words. So, how can the first step be the final piece of the puzzle when there is so much more than just a kiss?


Ann said...

That is beautiful.

Angela said...

Thank you Ann and Superman:)

Supeman, I'm not sure what you mean by your question.

Paula said...

So very beautiful. Particularly as i was thinking all night about my partner currently across the pond. The missing piece?

Angela said...

A kiss is only the beginning of two people falling in love. There IS so much more, and the beautiful part is sharing your heart and soul with someone who knows you inside and out, and accepts who you are unconditionally. It is finding someone who completes what before had always been missing. It is being totally at ease and comfortable with that person. It is finally coming home.