Thursday, August 2, 2012

Change Is Sowly Coming

This morning my parents are driving back home to Florida. It always makes me feel teary and a bit empty after they leave. I will return to my old routine and be fine after awhile. I go back to work in two weeks. I think I will be ready, although the switch from summer back to reality is always a shock to my system at first.  
My mom always feeds us well while she is here, and I feel like I've gained weight. I've been thinking of a detox diet, which I'm sure my nutritionist will not approve of. I am going to run it by her, but will probably still do what I want, as stubborn as I am. I really feel like I cannot eat as much food as most people can and not gain weight. I know that my usual diet is under 800 calories, but I feel that is all I need. I have a difficult time believing my nutritionist when she says that I need more than that amount.
I do feel changes coming in my life, and I'm trying new adventures like the aerial yoga which was so damn hard, some what fun and scary, but I had some problems because of my height. I'm 4'11, and the silk hammocks weren't hung low enough for me, even with the bolster that I had to use to get into it. There was a sub teacher instead of the teacher I am familiar with, and I didn't realize that she was going out of town. She said the silks were a challenge to lower, and the sub didn't know how to lower them. I actually fell off and face planted at one point, which was embarrassing, although I tried to laugh it off. What else could I do? I did love hanging upside down and the swinging motion. My mom took pictures with another students camera. She said she would e-mail them to me, so I will post when I receive them. That should be good for a laugh :) I hope everyone is enjoying the summer, the warmth, and hopefully sun wherever you are. I'm not sure what adventure will be next. Maybe more aerial yoga even although afterward I said never again! I should probably get back on the horse so to speak.


Sia Jane said...

Losing weight and that tiny intake can NOT sustain you darling <3

Wanda's Wings said...

I'm looking forward to your pics. Please don't over do it with any type of diet.

I Hate to Weight said...

i wonder if -- by telling us that you're eating under 800 calories -- you're realizing that's not enough?

do you feel weak, i wonder?

take precious care of yourself

Angela said...

Before my mom came I was eating less, and I feel like I've gained.

Heather Jerdee said...

Take good care of you, there are lots of friends who love you lots. I am one of them. I also understand and I handle my food and body in different ways it is emotionally so hard... understatement.

That sounds like an amazing experience!!! So cool! Love you!