I was chatting with a dear friend, and she was asking me if I thought her yoga practice was not strong enough to join in a mixed level class.
It brought me back to all of the times in my life I have felt less than...
often not enough,
and then again,
the devastating feeling that I'm too much.
I feel strongly that yoga is not at all about the poses,
but about the feeling.
It is about filling the empty spaces with your entire being.
It is about expansion,
and gratitude.
It is about touching the pain with tenderness,
bowing to the hurt,
and honoring those spaces with grace.
Yoga is union with your inner self.
The self you doubt is the self that needs your light.
"Grace flows only where there is an opening. It pools at obstacles, waits with infinite patience, it never trespasses where it is not free to go. Yet, a single sorrow healed, and Grace floods through in an instant." ~Linda Kavelin Popov
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