Monday, July 21, 2008

A Weekend Recap

My mom and I are getting ready to paint the rec room today, and then we will be finished with all of the painting. I can't get over how fresh and clean everything looks. I'm so glad that she came to help me with all of this. I know that I wouldn't have even been able to get started without her.
We took the weekend off, and had a really nice time. My mom and I went to the movies on Saturday. We saw
"Mamma Mia", and it was really good. It made us laugh and cry. I would definitely recommend it, even to men. It is not just a chick flick! After the movie we brought home pizza, drank wine, and it was a very relaxing evening. On Sunday, I woke up really early in the morning, which is a good time for me to write, so I worked on a poem, and drank a ton of coffee. I took a nap, early in the afternoon, and then we all went to the movies to see"Iron Man", which I really wasn't very excited to see, but then I loved it. It was a very enjoyable weekend, and now it is back to work. We will be able to get the rec room finished today, and then my mom and I will have the rest of the week to just hang out and do girly stuff. Shopping, pedicures, more shopping...Fun fun, fun!


Chris said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. I loved IronMan, have not seen Mama Mia, but am looking forward to Journey to the Center of the Earth. I hear its kinda hokey, but it still sounds fun. Anything to take me away from Real Life :)