This weekend I did absolutely nothing. What a slug! I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat, and my allergies are crazy right now. I feel like all I do is whine about how rotten I feel. Sorry about that! I promise that soon I will be so damn healthy. I can't wait!
Tomorrow is the dreaded colonoscopy. I hate to say this, but the best thing about it is that I get to fast for 24 hrs. A whole day where I don't have to worry about food, or taking medicine before I eat, or how horrible I'm going to feel after I eat. I'm looking forward to getting through this procedure so that I can be done worrying about it. No matter how much everyone tells me that it is no big deal, it is still causing me quite a bit of stress and anxiety. It is strange, but now that I'm doing everything that I can to treat my body right, it decides to crap out on me. I really didn't realize the damage that I was doing to myself. Now I'm more determined than ever to gain back my health, even though I never thought it would be so hard.
Angela, you should do yoga and pranayam every day to become healthy from inside.
Do just basic yoga and pranayama for 15 minutes everyday and within 15 days you will be most healthy.
It is very easy to remain healthy.
Bhastrika, Kapalbhatti, Anulom Vilom are good breathing exercises, mix of yoga and pranayam, they are more than enough to keep us healthy.
Thank you for your comment. I just signed up for a yoga class that starts in October. I'm hoping it will help.
It is good to hear that you are joining Yoga Class. Request your Yoga Teacher to teach you Pranayama also. Pranayama in Yoga gives great result. It gives feeling of permanent happiness. Try.
Keep up the good work. We need you healthy to go stomp grapes in Italy with us.
Did you get the results of your colonoscopy? What is the plan for your healing?
No results yet. I'm taking the Reglan for a few months until my digestive system starts functioning better. I will keep everyone posted:) Thanks!
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