This is just a short post before I start my day. Work yesterday was much better. Today I will be working with a new student, so we will see how that goes. He has some aggressive behavior such as hitting, kicking, biting, and throwing things, so I need to be prepared and on guard for those things. I'm a little nervous because he isn't familiar with me at all, and I'm not familiar with him either. I will just be flying by the seat of my pants!
I've really been struggling with food, and restricting so much. I know that it is becoming a problem. The stress of work leaves me with very little appetite. I did bring a power bar to work with me today though. That will be the first time I have taken something to work. I haven't been eating at all during the day, and skipping breakfast because there seems to be no time in the morning to fit it in. All excuses I know. I'm well aware that I should be making better choices for my health. I need all of the energy that I can get for this job, and my family and the kids that I work with deserve to have the best me possible. I deserve it too:) I'm definitely going to work on this. I'm still exercising in the mornings, and that makes me feel good. Today I have therapy, with much to talk about. My dad sent me a letter. I'm sure it is concerning the rape that he just found out about. I'm so anxious and nervous to open it. I'm going to take it to therapy and read it there. Hopefully after this he will stop contacting me. I really need closure, and although I forgive his mistakes, I need for him to be out of my life. much for a short post! Hope everyone has a great day:)
blessings to you my friend, some tough stuff you are walking through and you are not alone.
as far as eating goes, hey have you seen that documentary RAW for 30 days. it is all about eating raw foods and vegan as well, while some of it is way out of left field the reason i mention it is because one of the people in the show, and they were all health nuts, he did not prepare his foods as the others did, he said he makes shakes everyday. and had not eaten solid food in like three years. maybe if you looked up some shake recipes, with an open mind of course, you could replace the thought of eating with just drinking. i mean health shakes are yummy, you can add protein powder which is great after a workout and not deprive your body of healthy nutrients. i am not trying to co- sign the not eating i am just trying to suggest a healthy solution, like for in the mornings because it is so important to have those nutrients your body needs. i made a green shake once, it was fresh spinach and V-8 juice and it was pretty good, but hard to get past the green color. but it wasn't bad. then maybe you won't dwell so much on the skipping meals if you have a healthy drink alternative. take care of you.
i'm sure you will do just fine with the new student. as long as you're aware that you are making excuses then you can change that because you DO deserve the best that you can be. i think that forgiving your father is a very healthy step. by doing so you take the power away from him and reclaim it for yourself.
you are doing wonderfully, keep up the good work angela! much love to you my friend!
I will be with you by your side tomorrow.
You wait and see. You will feel my presence.
I know what you are facing I have been there. It is difficult and words can do very little.
I know because for years all I heard were words.
I am very glad to hear that you took the power bar even if you didn't eat it.
Remember tomorrow at your weakest and toughest moment I will be there!
I will be there!!
Love you!!
Jackie aka Shinade.
Shinade is ancient Gaelic meaning "The graciousness of God." I use it daily to remind myself that He is with me.
I will be there. You will know in your heart that I am there and God will also be there Angela....with his Angel!!
I hope your day went well yesterday.
I don't know if you do awards, but there's one waiting for you at my Stuperhero Extraordinaire blog.
Have a wonderful day.
Raven aka Jane Doe
Wow. I hope the day went well. I think reading the letter in a safe place is very wise. Just came across your blog and it is very nice.
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