We had a really bad storm rip through Kansas last night, with high winds, strong rain, and lightening. We lost our two Bradford Pear trees, and it just makes me sick to look out into my front yard right now. Luckily there was only minimal damage done to the house, and no one was hurt. Our neighbors were great, and as soon as the storm passed, we had a crowd wanting to help, chainsaws and all! I'm posting a couple of pics. There is never a dull moment around here!

I'm so sorry for the damage. It is great to have good neighbors. Take care.
It's always heartbreaking to lose trees...glad that everyone is okay!!!
I'm sad. I lost my willow 2 yrs ago in an ice storm. All of the trees we planted when we built the house are gone now. Time to plant new trees.
Oh too bad about the trees, glad to hear no one was hurt though.
Glad to hear that no one got hurt! Definitely glad that there was no house damage either! Gotta love living in tornado alley! I can still see how dark the sky is behind your house in the first picture.
Glad to know that you are well sound and safe. Sorry about the trees, being such a tree person myself I know how hard that is. Happy that you have such nice neighbors. Hugs, Paula
Sorry to hear about your trees, glad to hear you're OK though!
Thought you might be interested to see this, btw:
glad everyone is safe...bummera bout your trees though
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