Thursday, August 5, 2010


Check out this website~

Who doesn't like receiving compliments? I like them, although I always feel awkward when accepting them. My husband teases me about it. Whenever he called me beautiful or pretty, I would roll my eyes and shake my head. I had to practice on him and learn how to accept the compliment by simply saying thank you. I believe he means what he says, but accepting a compliment has everything to do with how much you believe in yourself, and when you feel negatively about yourself, you tend to discount the compliment. I'm working on this, and my goal is to begin to give myself positive messages every day. I may not believe them at first, but I'm hoping that eventually they will stick, just like the negative messages have played over and over in my head for years. I know that this will take time, but I'm going to give it my best effort.


Ann said...

I don't take compliments well at all. I always think that it's just the other person trying to be nice but they don't really mean it. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

Angela said...

Think about when you give compliments. You don't just say things to be nice. I'm sure that you genuinely mean them. I try to think of it that way, and it helps me.

Wanda's Wings said...

That is such a good idea. It is really hard to receive a compliment from anyone. Some good self talk might just help.

Unknown said...

i also don't take compliments too well. but i think this is a wonderful idea angela. i believe that it will work well for you, and i might just try this too. thanks!


Miriam said...

Here, have some more practice taking compliments:

You are beautiful :)
Your blog is quite lovely
You are a strong and inspiring individual

Looking forward to reading more! (And I meant all of those, so don't roll your eyes!!!)

Paula said...

I remember a few months ago during trauma therapy, group session the therapist suggest we say something about everyone else what we like about this person. Most of us ended up in tears, blushed or even turned aggressive. How deprived are we that we wont believe something nice about oneself. It ook some time for most to allow compliments and praise. It is for me the same. Yet at the same time when I give a compliments and it doesnt get received well or shaken off, I feel hurt. because I truly and genuinely mean - it is a sort of rejecting my appreciation and attention. We all have had enough of that, right, rejection and lack of appreciation. Long road ahead plastered with compliments, lets go together....

Angela said...

Yay, even my mom checked out the website! I remember growing up with her hating her own body, and saying negative comments about herself. Maybe she too can learn to love and heal herself:)

Just Be Real said...

Angela, I am not good at receiving. Have no problem giving. But, I am working on receiving and believing that I am entitled to compliments. Blessings, JBR