Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Star


This was my daily Tarot card for today, and I love it! I love how it says to make the most of the now. That is really what I'm trying to do. I feel so positive, and like I can finally move forward.

The Star
Hope and inspiration. Realization of dreams and goals possible now. Whatever venture you are involved with, your lucky stars are with you. Positive energies flowing freely into your life. Make the most of the now. Heavenly influences surrounding you. Blessings are flowing freely like water. Abundance and spirit present. Bright promises. The presence of the Holy Spirit is with you. A good time to begin a new project or new relationship as it carries blessing with it.


Ann said...

Your lucky stars are with you so keep on going. Run with it :)

Paula said...

Its lovely when you get an enhancing, confirming and motivating support. Keep going. Hugs to you