Last night, we took the boys and my mother and father-in-law to a Royals game. It was a beautiful evening, and even though we lost, we had a really great time. With incredible persistance, our youngest son scored a practice ball, and then later in the game, a foul ball. The look of surprise and delight on his face was definitely the best part of the evening!

now I'm jealous I never even came close to getting a ball..:)))
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That is a beautiful sunset in the top picture.
Vicky XXX
When I lived in San Diego, Calif. I and my family used to attend the San Diego Padres games when they were at home. But now in Vermont, we get little to no real sports action up here. I do miss it indeed. Nice website btw... :-)
Very nice photo. All credit goes to photographer.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis
You have a beautiful family! Great pictures.
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