Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Blessings


While I'm waiting for the boys to wake up, I thought that I would write about how grateful and blessed I feel. This year I have been on an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. I can't believe that it has been exactly a year since I left the Renfrew treatment center to get help with my eating disorder. I thought that going through treatment was hard, but it was nothing compared to this whole year that I have spent since, trying to recover. Through it all, Dave has been right there beside me. He has never given up on me, even when I pushed him away and made life very difficult. I have the most patient and wonderful husband in the whole world, and I know that without him and our beautiful boys, I would not have had the strength to continue on this journey. That is why I want to thank them for standing by my side, and sometimes holding me up when I am struggling. I'm so blessed to be spending this Christmas at home with my family and friends, and I'm more than grateful for this life, and the second chance I have been given.


Eric S. said...

That's great. I am glad you have your family. I hope you have a happy and enjoyable Christmas.

j said...

Angel -- Merry Christmas to you!

I think next year will be a wonderful year for you. I look forward to reading about it here.

p.s. -- When I was a freshman in college, my roommate left mid-year to get treatment for bulimia. She ended up at the Renfrew Center in Philadelphia. Twenty-one years later, she is doing great. Those first couple of years afterwards were hard for her. I think they must be the toughest. You're pushing through them, which is wonderful.

Waterrose said...

Happy Holidays and hugs to you...and to everyone a wonderful new year.

Anonymous said...


Keep up the hard work.Your family is a blessing for all to cherish. And they are blessed to have you because it will make those boys have much courage just like their mom has fought for her life. Your a blessing sharing your sturggles for the world to read. Many blessings.

chronic chick

Bing Yap said...

Hi Angela... I passed on to you the Blog Love and Butterfly Awards. I hope you visit my site again to claim them:

I follow your blog because it really touches my heart every time I visit.

Bing ;)

BarbaraRae said...

You are an inspiration for many. Keep up the hard work. have a blessed New Year!

Anonymous said...

an eating disorder treatment center. i don't think we have one of those here where i live. i need that. i'm glad i discovered your blog to gather inspiration.

Janet Gardner said...

Hi Angela,
Congradulations on your first year of recovery. I feel that you are getting stronger day by day, minute by minute. You are an inspiration to others and are so brave to share your struggles along this journey you are on. Keep up the great job you do here on your blog. I see pinklady gave you the same awards as I did. Well deserved. I feel the same way about my hubby and my children. They have helped me to carry on this year without my mom's. I know how blessed you feel as I feel the same.
Take Care,
Janet :)

Bing Yap said...

I can see why, amidst the confusion in your life, you still have a grateful heart. Angela, you are so blessed indeed. Sometimes life can seem unfair but it is the people we love who make everything worthwhile. Each pain you go through only makes you stronger and a better person. Keep on counting the little blessings...

Please take care...

Much love,


Jackie said...

Hope you and Dave had a wonderful Christmas.

Popped in to say I am passing on the Lemonade Award to you. Details are at .

Wishing you all the best for 2009.


I am so glad to hear how things are going better for you and what a great husband you have and how much you appreciate what you have. I have my own eating issues but try through my blog to conquer them. I wish you the best!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad there are good and patient people here in the world. you sound like a 'lucky' woman :) despite the hardships. i am really interested in your blog. i've got it bookmarked. thanks!