Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good News

We just returned from Dave's doctors appointment, and we have received some good news. The tumor hasn't grown much. We were also waiting on a second opinion about radiation as our next course of treatment, and that is a go, so no surgery for awhile. Luckily the tumor grows slowly, so we have time on our side. Thankfully, all of the prayers, good thoughts, and positive energy must have been heard and answered! We are truly grateful, and so very blessed.

I will leave you with a poem that I wrote for Dave awhile back, because, well...I love him so much.


For David

Hold out your hand
and place gently in mine.
The feel of our fingers,
our souls intertwined.
Can you hold on
when my spirit drifts away?
I promise to come back,
I have just lost my way.

Reach out and find me.
Don't ever let go.
We wonder some days,
but our love,
it still grows.
There are those moments.
We're weary and worn.
they can hurt,
leaving hearts feeling torn.
Repairs will be made.
Cried tears always dry.
We trip
and we stumble,
and yet we still try.
On this journey together,
our love never dies.

Hold out your hand
and place gently in mine.
our souls intertwined.

Angela Minard 2009©


Unknown said...

that is wonderful news angela! and what a beautiful poem for your husband.


Tiptoe said...

I'm so glad to hear his appt. went well. It is a relief to know it is slow growing. I wish both of you more success with his treatment.

I do understand how you feel, though for me, it is with the canine world. I'm so hopeful this treatment will be further researched and used for humans and glioblastomas and other brain tumors.

Ann said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!! Great news. Will keep the positive thoughs coming your way. That is a beautiful poem.

Zan said...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) yay!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Fantastic news and your poetic tribute to him is very special.

Russ said...

Good News.Keep the faith.We are still praying for your family.

Unknown said...

Lovely poem Angela. Very glad to hear your news. Hope things get better from now on.

Jude said...

What a beautiful poem for your David and I so hope things will turn out well...many blessings for you both.

Unknown said...

I really hate repeating what has been already said, but in this case, it should be. For that certainly is wonderful news, and that was certainly a wonderful poem!

Ruth said...

Awesome news and a beautiful poem. :-)